Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wolf Tales VIII- Kate Douglas

Wolf Tales VIII
Kate Douglas
Kensington Aphrodisia, Jul 2009, $12.95
ISBN: 9780758226945

The Chanku packs have grown by six newcomers who need mentoring. Three are sent to learn at Anton's Montana estate; the others journey to the Colorado wolf sanctuary owned by Ulrich and Millie.

All six have come from the mean streets and thus they are tough and ready to kick butt; that is when they are not licking butt. The old-timers at both sites look forward to some sex, respite and sex after surviving some nasty assaults (see WOLF TALES VII), but also understand the importance of mentoring the arrogant rookies using bravado to hide their fears. However, a mysterious newcomer arrives in Colorado shaking the balance and forcing Millie to finally look back at her past.

Following the climatic action of book VII, Kate Douglas proves she is a wizard as she provides a fresh spellbound thriller by bringing in the next generation. The story line is fast-paced and filled with sexual encounters of a werewolf kind. Fans of the saga will appreciate Ms. Douglas’ new spin as somehow she makes each of her seemingly ever expanding cast seem different yet as a paranormal species appear real.

Harriet Klausner

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