Monday, December 12, 2011

The Lure of Song and Magic-Patricia Rice

The Lure of Song and Magic

Patricia Rice

Sourcebooks, Jan 1 2012, $14.99

ISBN: 9781402255748

Children television producer Dylan “Oz” Ozwin has spent the past year in a futile search for his missing son Donal. Concerned friends and family tell him to accept the reality that his child is dead, but Oz refuses end his hunt.

Recently the enigmatic Librarian sends Oz an email suggesting he talk with former tweener singing sensation Syrene at the Little Angels Childcare center in El Padre, California where he asks to meet with Phillipa “Pippa“ James, her real name. She vowed to never sing again while becoming a children’s author. While sympathetic to his dire quest, she fears reentering the public domain as the magic of her voice has caused emotional problems; yet Oz seems immune to her power.

Bringing the Malcolm Magic series (see Must be Magic and Magic Man) to the present (Pippa is a Malcolm), fans of the saga will appreciate Patricia’s Rice clever exhilarating romance. Part of the fun is Pippa’s efforts to hide her magic in the instant digital age (think of the opening scenes in I Am Number Four). Fast-paced from the moment the desperate father follows any even remote lead takes him to the voice of power, fans will enjoy This Magic Moment as he is immune to the Lure of Song and Magic but not love.

Harriet Klausner

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